If you are struggling to pay your bills and are considering filing bankruptcy, you may be trying to decide if its good or bad. Bankruptcy isn’t right for everyone but it may be right for you. It’s neither good or bad, but it may take some time to bring your score up. A bankruptcy attorney can help you with your bankruptcy case.
Tips To Raise Your Credit Score
Get A Secured Credit Card
Getting a secured credit card can help you raise your credit score over time. It may be difficult to get a credit card after bankruptcy, but a secured card uses a deposit of your own money to secure the line of credit you are given. It still acts as a normal credit card, so you need to make sure you bill is paid on time.
Apply For A Loan
Not all lenders are willing to offer credit to someone who has filed bankruptcy, but you may be able to find someone who will give you a loan. You need to have credit to improve your credit so a small loan can be a good way to raise your credit score.
Monitor Your Credit
To ensure that your credit score is improving, you need to monitor it. There are plenty of credit monitoring services available online. Check it often and dispute anything that is not correct. Staying on top of your credit will help it improve.
Get Help From A Bankruptcy Attorney
If you are trying to improve your credit score after bankruptcy, a bankruptcy attorney can help. Knowing how to use bankruptcy to improve your credit score is what it’s all about. Call (812) 785-8191 for help today.