Thank you for choosing Koehler Law Office, to assist you in your bankruptcy matter. We realize that filing for bankruptcy is a very important and sometimes stressful time in your life.
Now that your case has been filed, you may have a few questions regarding plan payments, filing fees, hearing dates and credit counseling.
Plan Payments
You will be receiving a letter from the Trustee stating the date and amount due each month for your plan payment. You do not need to mail this payment to the Trustee. The checking account deduction you authorized with our office satisfies the monthly plan payment due to the Trustee. Koehler Law Office will deduct the plan payment from your checking account and forward to the Trustee.
Plan payments are due on the same day each month
It may take one to two days for this payment to be deducted. We send this payment to your bank on the date stated above, however, it may take one to two days before it is deducted from your account. Always make sure the funds are available on the date stated above.
We have set up the checking account deduction on a date that will allow us to deliver the payment to the Trustee by the due date. It is very important that you have the money available in your account on these dates. If your payment is late, you are risking your case being dismissed by the Trustee. If your case is dismissed, you will no longer be protected from your creditors.
Contact Christine with any questions regarding checking account deductions.
Our office hours are Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We are closed on Friday. If you need to make any changes, please call during these hours.
Court Dates:
You are required to appear at a hearing to get your case approved by the Trustee. Within the next two weeks you will receive a letter stating the date and time of this hearing. The hearing will take place approximately thirty days after you receive this notice. Our office will send you letters to remind you of this date and time, as well as the required documents for this hearing. You will need to arrive at the hearing thirty minutes early. A paralegal will meet with you to review your bankruptcy petition and answer any questions you may have.
Credit Counseling
You were required to complete a credit counseling course before you filed. You may be receiving letters stating you are required to complete another course. You do not need to complete another credit counseling course until the end of the bankruptcy. Our office will notify you when this course must be completed.
We hope this notification helps answer some questions you may have. If you have any further questions, comments or concerns please call our office Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. We are closed on Friday.